So you’ve built the prettiest website in all the land, with all the sweet bells & whistles.

But your website has been sitting on the interwebz for a while now…

..And the only people who saw it, was your Mom..and that poor co-worker you held hostage at the water cooler..forcing him to go to your site.

Traffic is the number of visitors to your website and the number of pages they visit (Wikipedia).

A regular store w/ NO visitors, generates NO money. So, the more visitors it gets, the more money it makes.

The same holds true for websites. So we want to “magnetize” the living sh*t out of your website…so everybody (and their brother) will show up – begging you to take their money!!

..Ok, I need to calm down. ..Sorry about that. But you get the idea.

In the Pay Per Click category, you will learn how to send paid traffic to your site.

You will learn how to use the speed of PPC traffic to test offers to..

  1. Find the most profitable offers (quickly) & more importantly
  2. Know when to SCALE UP & send MORE traffic to these proven offers!

In the Search Engine Optimization category (SEO), you will learn how to…

  1. Optimize your site to..
  2. Rank high on search engines to..
  3. Get FREE traffic to your site & make them Benjamins!!

Lets GO!!